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Online captcha entry Work 

Qlinkgroup Information:



Server Name: Qlinkgroup
Server Speed: 24 hours super fast
Pay Rate: 0.35$ to 0.80$ per 1000 entry
Payment Media: PerfectMoney Paypal
Minimum Payout: 800 entry in 1 Id
Payment's Duration: Weekly
Uses of Software: Yes (multiple Ids in one software)

Follow each step and create multiple Qlinkgroup supervisor accounts with single Perfect Money Account.

Step:2 Click (Register your new supervisor account here)
Step:3 Type your username for example (yasir786)
Step:4 Type your full name
Step:5 Type your email address
Step:6 Select your payment method (perfectmoney)
Step:7 Enter the text form captcha
Step:8 Click to register button
Step:9 Check your mail’s inbox and click on confirmation link that will come from Qlinkgroup
Step:10 Then password will b arrive in your mail’s inbox
Step:11 Login your qlinkgroup account

Step:12 Go to employee section and create unlimited ids for working


 Now A Days Qlinkgroup Server Running 24 Hours Super Fast & Server Fast Every Day.But This Server Rate Not So Good.They Pay Weekly.Payment Methods Perfect Money Or Paypal.Saturday Or Sunday They Send Payment.Need To Do Minimum 800 Entry Per Ids To Get Payment.

User job is to retype the picture content into the input field in English. English alphabet knowledge is required.

The User is given a special software which displays Captchas onto the computer screen rapidly and continously and a number of active ID's depending upon user wish of buying that are created and activated into the software only by us to work with in the software.

Our software is integrated with .net frame2.0 version application which makes Captchas to appear onto the Users screen continously for 24hrs in a day guarantedly and is user friendly.


This is one of the best server, its a fast server and after 12 o'clock (pakistan time )it goes super fast.
if you like to work on this server first you need to register your self.second you need to follow some rules.
Its a free captcha entry work each worker on one id must enter 500 entries a day.If you don't work more than 3 days or don't complete your target continuously for 3 days your id will be deleted you will lost your all work and you will not get paid.

please remember working week starts from friday to friday and you will get your payment on every sunday so plz complete your target till friday otherwise you lost your all  work and it goes to 0 and you will not get paid.

QlinkGroup POLICY


Our service has been slowing down in the last months due to an increased amount of operators that use illegal software to decode captchas with multiple accounts. Because of this, the honest operators that work on our site have been getting slow captcha speed, meaning slow loading images.
To prevent this, we have decided to take some harsh measures. From March 23rd 2012, all operator accounts will need to decode a minimum of 800 captchas per week. Operators that decode less than 800 captchas during the week WILL NOT BE PAID!i
Please remember that we consider FRIDAY as the first day of our payment week and THURSDAY as our last day of our payment week.
We will continue to increase the minimum amount of captchas that has to be solved during a payment week if we see that there are still operators who use illegal software. This decision was made to ensure a fair working environment to all our operators. Thank you for your understanding. 

 Abusing QlinkGroup system will not be tolerated

It will result in suspending your account permanently, and your payment will be stopped immediately.


            Want to solve CAPTCHAs? Get the official QlinkGroup software client for free!
           Information page should always be opened for you to hear the overload alarm.
           Each CAPTCHA has to be solved within 15 seconds or you'll get suspended temporarily first, then permanently suspended.
          QlinkGroup will not be responsible for CAPTCHA count errors, if you are using third-party software to solve CAPTCHA instead of the official QlinkGroup software client.
         We will suspend your account forever…
         if you use third party software;
         if you try to run multiple instance of the QlinkGroup software client under the same account;
         if you don't follow the instructions to solve CAPTCHAs as they appear;
         if you were found typing garbage instead of properly solving CAPTCHAs;
        if you were kicked out often for not solving CAPTCHAs.
Accounts permanently suspended WILL NOT GET PAID.

Account Management

Any account not used for 4 weeks will be removed.
Any Operator Candidate account approved but not used within 72 hours will be removed.

Correct way to solve CAPTCHAs

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